Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR)
The community platform engaging the democratic role of business
Das Buch zum Thema
erschienen bei Springer Gabler, 2020
"How Businesses Can Strengthen Democracy for Mutual Benefit"
"Wie Unternehmen die Demokratie und damit sich selbst stärken“
The CPR concept: how companies can strengthen democracy
introduced by Dr. Johannes Bohnen

CPR reconsiders the interface between business, politics and civil society. It shows how companies can employ their resources to advance the public interest, and also benefit from it.
Thus, CPR is a business case. Through socio-political engagement companies invest in the foundations of their corporate success. In doing so, companies can endorse the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions”.
This platform aims to foster an informed debate about CPR and related topics. It is intended to forge a cross-sectoral community of actors that advocate for a constructive role of business in the public realm. BOHNEN Public Affairs serves as a moderator, but gives maximum ownership to all users.
You are kindly invited to participate in this project and develop it further with your ideas and suggestions.

CPR Op-Eds
Blog: Debate on all things CPR

CPR News
"The central characteristic of CPR is that it encourages companies to assume
responsibility for the preservation of the democratic system – with stabilization and risk prevention as particular points of emphasis. CPR goes beyond CSR because it recognizes that companies must help to solve global crises."
Prof. Dr. Ludger Heidbrink

CPR Services
CPR Forum
On July 5, 2024, the first CPR Forum took place at the European Academy Berlin. It was titled: "Daring to take a stand: Why democracy needs businesses – and vice versa". This reciprocal relationship was discussed by around 50 representatives from business, academia, and civil society.
Find out more about the event and read the blog post here.
International CPR Essay Prize
In 2024, we launched the first CPR Essay Prize, inviting submissions from students all around the globe.
The participants demanded: "CEOs into the political arena!"

CPR in a nutshell
How companies can strengthen democracy
CPR reconsiders the interface between business, politics and civil society. It shows how companies can employ their resources to advance the public interest, and also benefit from it.
This platform aims to foster an informed debate about CPR and related topics. It is intended to forge a cross-sectoral community of actors that advocate for a constructive role of business in the public realm.
You are kindly invited to participate in this project and develop it further with your ideas and suggestions.