Partners for your CPR engagement

Strengthening liberal democracy and making it resilient is a task for all parts of society, including business. This is a major concern for many entrepreneurs and managers. The Business Council for Democracy (BC4D) offers support: Here, employees can learn more about the spread of hate speech, targeted disinformation and conspiracy narratives in free training sessions and learn how to do something about it.

Business for America

Business Roundtable
United States of America
An association of chief executive officers of America’s leading companies working to promote a thriving U.S. economy and expanded opportunity for all Americans through sound public policy. Through research and advocacy, Business Roundtable advocates policies to spur job creation, improve U.S. competitiveness and strengthen the economy.

Business & Democracy Initiative
United States of America
A US civic initiative created to help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have Better Arguments. In this sense, arguments don’t have to drive us apart. Better Arguments can bring us together.
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Stiftung Weltethos
The Global Ethic Foundation aims to create awareness of fundamental common values in all parts of society. There is a focus on intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a basis for mutual understanding. As part of this, the foundation offers events on religion and politics.

Do you have a topic close to your heart and want to get into politics? JoinPolitics promotes politicaltalents who develop solutions for the big questions of our time with courage and passion. The initiative supports through capital, know-how, and an extensive network.

United Kingdom
Apolitical’s mission is to help build 21st-century governments that work for people and the planet. The Apolitical Academy runs public leadership programmes for talented people interested in running for political office. The programmes are focused on potential candidates from traditionally excluded backgrounds.

School of Participation
United States of America
We are a membership organization of business and thought leaders taking action to protect and renew American democracy. Businesses can play a strong role in protecting, advancing, and participating in our democracy. It’s not only the right thing to do. It’s critical.

Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy
At the heart of NIMD’s Democracy Education approach are our renowned Democracy Schools, which bring together established politicians and future leaders from across the political spectrum. Our Democracy Education programs go beyond the classroom. By bringing participants together from across the political and ideological spectrum, these initiatives ensure lasting networks and connections that bridge divides and help combat polarization in future.

Whether it´s personal disputes or political discussions: Conflicts drain energy and are frustrating.But they don´t have to be. Streitgut offers scientifically based tips on how to argue better. The goal is to improve debating culture in Germany.

The Dialogue Project
United States of America
A research effort to explore what role business can play to help improve civil discourse and reduce polarization. It is supported by such companies as Google, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chevron, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Southwest Airlines, among others, as well as the University of Southern California.

The Better Arguments Project
United States of America
A US civic initiative created to help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have Better Arguments. In this sense, arguments don’t have to drive us apart. Better Arguments can bring us together.
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School of Participation
Participation is a craft and at the School of Participation, you learn. We offer a dual program to become a certified Participation Facilitator. Working with NGOs businesses and administration makes it an innovative, open, and democratic and thus independent school for participation.

In Good Company
United KingdomOur software, strategy and support help you build robust social impact programs that meet the needs of all your stakeholders — investors, customers, employees, policymakers, communities and the planet. We help organizations create systemic social changes internally and externally to accomplish measurable objectives and build a better world. We equip change agents with the strategic guidance and insights, intuitive software and a trusted network needed to make decisions, develop programs and advocate for social causes.More info

Courage! Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage
GermanyThe Network for Democracy and Courage (NDC) is a nationwide network supported by young people and committed to the promotion of democracy and against hateful ideology. The main task is the training of young people as multipliers and the implementation of various projects, seminars, and training at schools and educational institutions. The NDC also organizes workshops in cooperation with companies for employees on the topics of discrimination and racism. More info